Sunday, July 6, 2008

T-Five Days and Counting

Today was a peaceful day.....only twelve hours of sleep since last night! We spent the day watching the Men's Final at Wimbledon, then scooted down to Cory and Brian's for lasagna and apple cake. Ben was awake the whole time and we had a great time playing with him. Addie woke up AFTER dinner and we spent the after-dinner time dancing in the living room and enjoying general mayhem.

Conversation at dinner focused on the upcoming July 11th visits in NYC; we are all hopeful that decisions will be made that day to bring a swift end to Kim's dilemma. To have to wait a few more weeks for her procedure to stop the aneurysm is too awful to think about.

Early to bed tonight -- midnight; back up at the crack of noon or later tomorrow.

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