Thursday, July 10, 2008

At the Wire

Again we get up at the crack of noon. Today we just laid in bed awhile and talked about people we know who have had neurosurgery. We are goal oriented at this point -- let's get this show on the road! This time tomorrow we will have been through the ultrasound and Dr. Olin's visit, probably having lunch and waiting for the hours to pass till we see Dr. Patel. I think Kim would like to see the kids before she leaves; I'm hoping dinner with them tonight is a possibility. Brandy has taken Kim to the beach for the day; I doubt it will be an all-day thing, as Kim tires so easily. Kim told me yesterday that if she's hospitalized in NYC for the procedure, it will be hard not seeing the kids for a few days. I know what she means.....going through that with Cory's new job and not having our Wednesday and Friday connections like we used to do is hard on us. Finding a job and going back to work once Kim is okay will make it even harder, as we won't be able to pick Addie and Ben up from daycare once in a while as we've done the past few weeks. Life is changing for us, one way or another.

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